品牌生活化推廣 – 日式風呂敷 Japanese Furoshiki

2017年聖誕節 – 這是難得我在MTM Skincare公司少有可以參與,創作度高,甚至要演出做埋Hand Talent的一個Campaign(無計,公司無budget,又或是有… 但都不會投放到宣傳。)。

失禮啦!其實我在大學時代是讀Communication+Marketing出身,對於現在social media發展迅速,但公司還留守在做實體店的決定真的百思不得其解… 可能是因為高層們沒有那個遠見,也沒有說服老闆的勇氣,不竟老闆只愛聽自己想聽的。在整個老闆自我FF的帶領氛圍下,那會有好東西做出來。

公司請你,不是要你幫助,是要你實現公司要的… 更不要說她會尊重你的專業。會有的,但在這間公司⋯⋯(冷笑)沒有~



下面兩張相都是當時Marketing Team同Operation部門夾好價錢及產品之後推出的兩款Christmas set。當中藍色那塊布,其實就係 – 「日式風呂敷」。



Set相放少一點力,重點我們會放多一點心機在包禮物的展現,做一點工具類形的影片製作。畢竟是聖誕送禮佳節,就來教大家怎樣包禮物。而Pre-pro的準備也不多,簡單的就是我(Hand Talent)、素色毛衣跟木檯一張,以下是叫導演去選木檯的顏色跟木紋,我們要超級素的。

一整天從早拍到晚,雖然是簡單的,但拍到我雙手的青筋都炸起來了,而動作做手真的不容易喔,因為我的尾指常常緊張曲起來。又要分身兩邊走,又要看monitor又要拍… 雖然很忙,但是好玩的。而且拍到效果好,每一個過鏡,其實可能都拍超過十次才選到的喔!

Model / Talent 真不容易!:P



Tote Bag

Scarf / Tie

Gift Wrap

Bottle Wrap

P.S. Wardrobe個件素白色毛冷衫係來自Zara嘅出品,我著左一次之後佢嘅下落呢 >>> 就係拎去Refund啦~真係好好好勁慳…(唔知好嬲定好笑!)

Published by

高比 Gobby Hong

分享成份安全、天然有機美容產品。推動「先查真;後消費」概念、希望每個人都可以用心認真生活,活得更健康自信。 一同「 認清 - 真實 - 生活 」。

2 thoughts on “品牌生活化推廣 – 日式風呂敷 Japanese Furoshiki”

  1. Hi Gobby,

    I’m also one of the victims of MTM. I accepted the offer from MTM where the founder Stanley cheated me. He convinced me to join by claiming to be a good boss who had never fired any staff in his business. Additionally, he promised me a percentage of equity in the newly created South East Asia (SEA) business once it went public through an IPO within three years.

    However, on my first day of work, they informed me that their plan was to IPO the entire business, focusing mainly on Hong Kong and China, which completely changed the scope. After my first two weeks, I conducted a comprehensive review of the business and discovered that, despite their initial intention to go public within one year, it is not feasible due to their extremely poor financial situation, especially in terms of cash flow and the significant amount due from the director. Furthermore, they have around 12 entities, and their financial reports have only been audited up to 2020 (some even completed until 2017 only). Based on my estimation, it would take at least four years to rectify the financial situation. The boss informed me that his business partner will no longer work with him due to my comprehensive review, which revealed the poor financial state. As a result, they cannot proceed with the expected IPO. Consequently, he advised that my role would no longer be justified, and today is my last day which just worked for them two weeks.

    What’s a joke of this kind of company.

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